
Prof. Athanasios Giannakis (Phd, MSc, Marine Law). Master Mariner in ocean going ships. Head of the Maritime Department at  the Uninettuno University. Director of IIMS. Many years as competitive shipbroker, port Captain and director of shipping companies. Director of maritime studies of the European University, and for 22 years professor and deputy director at KESEN (Masters’ School for Further Nautical Education). Leader evaluator of  teaching material of Marine Academies Greece. Competent person at IMO for  the nautical educational system of Japan and Latvia. He has published 3 books and has done research in antifoulings. Pilot in command of private airplanes.

Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis is currently President of the educational organization Atheneum Liberal Studies and Professor at Uninettuno University. In the last 20 years he has taught in many Universities and educational organizations globally among which Newcastle University, University of Sunderland, Deree College, University of Indianapolis, Hellenic Air Force War College and Hellenic Naval War College to name a few. He has published 12 books and dozens of original scientific articles. He has also served as a Scientific Advisor to the Minister of Defence, to the Deputy Minister of Development and to the General Secretariat of Communication and Mass Media of the Greek Government.

Capt. Giorgos Argyriou is a  Master mariner in ocean going of all types of ships, with intermediate university studies and practice in shipbuilding in Hamburg Germany.  Is visiting Professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University and module co-ordinator in shipping in Uninettuno University. He has taught at the “Masters’ School for Further Nautical Education Athens”, at the Merchant Marine Academy of Athens and private colleges. He has published works and treatises and lecture notes. He has been Master Mariner and Assessor of special academic committees, for many years working in big shipowning companies.

Dr Nikos Giannakis has a PhD in nanotechnology, from Kent University and Physics (MPhys), Cardiff University. He has been Associate Lecturer at the University of Kent. Participation in research projects at Queen Mary University UK and Demokritos NCRS Athens. Responsible for the R&D of the Institute for International Maritime Studies. Working on an educational design of Atomic Microscope, Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM). His research field is the implementation of the Embedding Method in nano-plasmonics.

Prof. Eleni Chatzichristou is a Doctor of Astrophysics, currently manager of the Laboratory of Excellence UnivEarthS at the Université Paris-Diderot in France. She has been Dean of Academic Affairs for City Unity College of Atnens, Greece and Academic Director of their Campus in Rhodes. She has been Research Fellow of the “Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens” and Research Associate of various Academic and Research Institutions including NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Yale University, USA. She is a  visiting Professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University.

Dr Fotis Tsopelas is a Doctor of Analytical Chemistry (National Technical University of Athens) and Member of the American Chemical Society. He has been a visiting professor in the Departments of (i) “Food Technology” and (ii) “Public Health” of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and “Chemistry and Materials Science” of Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus. His current research interest involve the development of analytical techniques for the detection of food adulteration and the development of approaches for the evaluation of ADMET properties of candidate drugs and ecotoxicological profile of xenobiotics. He is a visiting professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University.

Dr Katerina Migly is a Doctor in Economic Studies and professional of the shipping industry in various respectful Greek Shipping Companies. She is a Lecturer of Maritime Economics and Shipping Management in private colleges in Greece and a visiting professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University.

Capt. Markos Botsaris is a visiting professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University. He is a Master Mariner and Senior Marine Consultant/ Auditor and Instructor for Greek Consulting Organizations, holding a Master of Science in Shipping. He has taught as Lecturer in many private colleges in Greece and lecturer of Marine Geography and Oceanography.  He is a Learning Specialist for ABS Academy and consultant for the creation of innovative onboard e-learning platforms. He has expertize on scientific writting methods under Harvard University training. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Nautical Institute.

Dr Nikolaos Mazarakis is Meteorologist, Country Manager of StormGeo Greece and director of MeteoMarine. He studied Physics at the Physics Dept. of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and received his degree in 1998. Had his M.Sc. at the field of “Environmental Physics” in 2001 at the same department and commenced with his Ph.D. Thesis at the Physics Dept. of the University of Patras in the field of Convective Parameterization Schemes and Lighting obtaining his diploma in 2010. Worked as associated researcher at the National Observatory of Athens since 2004, as a professor of Marine Meteorology at the Center of Further Education for Seafarers (KESEN) during the periods 2003-2006 and 2010-2014.

Capt. Nikos A. Aslanis is an experienced tanker captain with broad experience in ship management, and safety systems. He is an ISM Lead Auditor, Maritime Security Auditor, Navigation Assessor, Navigation Auditor, Instructor. He is familiar with Quality Systems and Safety trainings. He specializes among others in ISM systems, CSO, Safety Management Systems, & Tanker Inspections. He has studied at University of Leicester, MBA in Maritime Management. He is teaching  Maritime and Shipping Management, at the Institute for International Maritime Studies. Chairman of The Nautical Institute Hellenic Branch. CHIRP/MARS Ambassador.

Dr Luca Cacciolatti is a Reader in Marketing at University of Westminster, London. He researches in the areas of marketing strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation applying theories of sociological institutionalism. He has extensive experience working with students’ start-ups being the director for the MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise Development at University of Westminster. He is currently a European Expert on Horizon2020 calls related to sustainable manufacturing value chains. He is on the editorial board of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research and International Journal of Innovation Studies.

Mrs Maria Giannaki has been a Professional of Shipping Industry for 13 years as competitive chartering broker  in big maritime companies. She is a Lecturer in shipping in various private colleges in Greece and a visiting professor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University. She has a Bachelor in Shipping and Transport (UK) and LLM  in Commercial Disputes Resolution (UK). She runs Certificates in Shipping and in Alternative Disputes Resolution (mediation-arbitration) at the Institute for International Maritime Studies.

Mrs Alexandra Protopapa is the Executive admissions officer for the Institute of International Maritime Studies. She has worked in Shipping in Chartering Department and she has worked as a tutor for more than 10 years in maritime education. She is also an active enterpreneur of the tourism industry. Her studies are in Psychology and she has an MBA from University of Athens. She is a Tutor to the MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management of Uninettuno University.

Mr George Goutzianas is the Business Executive Development Manager for the Institute of International Maritime Studies. He has been in the shipping and maritime industry in Chartering, at the ISM Department as an officer and internal Auditor, a Flag and Registry consultant as well as an offshore management consultant. He has gained a Bsc of Arts in Business at the University of Indianapolis, Indiana USA, a Diploma In Shipping & Maritime Management from City Unity College, Athens Greece and has studied at the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS).



President Prof Athanasios Giannakis, Maritime Studies (BSc, MSc, PhD)  click for more

Vice President Ms Maria Giannaki, Chartering (BSc, LLM)

Finance Dr Nikos Giannakis, Physicist-Nanotechnology (MPhys, MPhil, PhD)

Secretariat Mrs Ekaterini Andreou, Arts and Design (VTI)

Admissions Office
Leoforos Souniou
38B, 19004,
+30 2990 49 828 (ATH)

Courses in Maritime
MBA in Maritime and Shipping Management
Maritime jobs

The Law of the Sea
Dictionary of Nautical Terms - English - Greek
Homeric Dictionary of Nautical Terms

Non-profit organization, Greece.

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