Athanasios Giannakis
(Από τις συντμήσεις, μόνο αυτές με δασείς χαρακτήρες (bold letters) επεξηγούνται μέσα στο λεξικό)
AAPA American Association of Port Authorities
AARA Always accessible or reachable on arrival
AASO Association of American Shipowners, N.Y.
A/A ή ΑΑ Always afloat
AB (1) Able seaman, (2) average bond
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
Abt About
A/C ή a/c Acount
ACI arb, Associate of the chartered institute of arbitrators
ACILA, Associate of the chartered institute of loss adjusters
Addcomm Address commission
Ad hoc, For a particular occasion, for a special purpose (Latin)
ADR Alternative dispute resolution
Ad val, Ad valorem, βλ. ad valorem freight
AFAA As far as applicable
AFAC As fast as can
AFRA Average freight rate assessments
AHR Antwerp-Hamburg range
ANF Arrival notification form
AP (1) All purposes, (2) additional premium
APS Arrival pilot station
APT After peak tank
ΑRA, Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam (range)
AS, Alongside, βλ. alongside (ship)
ASBA Association of shipbrokers and agents
ATDN Any time day or night
ATS All time saved
BAF Bunker adjustment factor
BB Below bridges
BBB Before breaking bulk
Bdl, Bundle
Bends Both ends
Bhd Bulkhead
BHP Brake horse power
BIC Bureau International des Containers
BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council
B/L Bill of lading
Blt, Built
B/N Booking note
BOL Bill of lading
B/S Bunker surcharge
Bs/L Bills of lading
BT Berth terms
BTN Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
BV Bureau Veritas
BWAD Brackish water arrival draft, βλ. brackish water
CA Controlled Atmosphere (container)
CABAF Currency and bunker adjustment factor
CABE Charterers’ agents both ends, επίσης γράφεται και CHABE
CAD Cash against documents
CAF Currency adjustment factor
CAP Condition assessment programme
CCS China Classification Society
CENSA Council of European and Japanese national Shipowners’ Association
C&F Cost and freight
CFR Cost and freight
CFS Container freight station
CHABE Charterers’ agents both ends, επίσης γράφεται και CABE
Chopt In charterers’ option
CIF Cost insurance and freight
CIFC, Cost insurance freight and commission
CIM, International convention on the carriage of goods by rail
CIP Calling-in-point
CKD Completely knocked down
CLC Civil Liability Convention 1969/1972
CMI Comité Maritime International
CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
COA Contract of affreightment
COFR Certificate of financial responsibility
COP Custom of the port
COW Crude oil washing
C/P Charter party
CPC Cellular palletwide container
CPP Clean petroleum products, βλ. clean products
CQD Customary quick despatch
CR (1) China Corporation Register of Shipping, (2) Croatian Register of Shipping
CSD Closed shelter-deck
CSI Container security initiative
cSt Centistokes
CTL Constructive total loss
Cu ft, Cubic feet
CY Container yard
DD Dry dock
Der, Derrick
Dets, Details
Disport, Discharge port
Disrate, Discharging rate
DGN, Dangerous goods note
Dly Delivery
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO, Diesel oil
DOP Dropping outward pilot
DPP Dirty petroleum products
DT Deep tank
DWAT Deadweight all told
DWCC Deadweight cargo capacity ή deadweight carrying capacity
DW ή DWT Deadweight
ΕΕΖ Exclusive economic zone
EIU Even if used
ETA, Estimated time of arrival
ETC, Estimated time of completion
ETD, Estimated time of departure
ETR, Estimated time of readiness
ETS, Estimated time of sailing
EXW Ex works
F Fresh
FAC (1) Forwarding agent’s commission, (2) Fast as can
FAF Fuel adjustment factor, βλ. Fuel oil surcharge
FAK Freight all kinds
FAS Free alongside ship
FCA Free carrier
F & CC Full and complete cargo
FCL Full container load
FD (1) Free despatch, (2) Free discharge
FD & D Freight demurrage & defence
FEU Forty foot equivalent
FHEX Fridays and holidays excepted
FHINC Fridays and holidays included
FILO Free in and Liner out
FILTD Free in and liner term discharge
FIO Free in and out
FIOLS & D Free in and out, lashed, secured and dunnaged
FIOS Free in and out and stowed
FIOST (1) Free in and out and spouted and trimmed, (2) Free in and out and stowed and trimmed
FIOT Free in and out trimmed
FLT Fork-lift truck
FO (1) Free out, (2) Fuel oil
FOB Free on board
FONASBA Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents
FOQ Free on quay
FOR Free on rail
FOS Fuel oil surcharge
FOT Free on truck, βλ. Free on rail
FP (1) Free pratique, (2) flash point
FPT Fore peak tank
Frt Freight
FUND Fund Convention 1971/92
FW, Fresh water
FWA Fresh water allowance
GA General average
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GL Germanisher Lloyd
GM Metacentric height
GMT, Greenwich Mean Time
GO Gas oil
GP General purpose
GPS Global positioning system
GR, grain
GRT Gros registered tonnage
GT Gross tonnage
HA Hatch ή hatchway
Hazmat, Hazardous materials (dangerous goods)
HD Half dispatch
HFO Heavy fuel oil
HO Hold
HP Horse power
HRC, Hot rolled coils
HRS Hellenic Register of Shipping
HSS Heavy grain, sorghum and soya
HW High Water
HWONT, High water ordinary neap tides
HWOST, High water ordinary spring tides
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association
IBC, Intermediate bulk currier
I CC International Chamber of Commerce
ICS (1) International Chamber of Shipping, (2) Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
IFO Intermediate fuel oil
IGS Inert gas system
IMAO International Maritime Arbitration Organization
IMB International Maritime Bureau
IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMO International maritime Organization
INTERCARGO International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners
INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
IRS Indian Register of Shipping
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISPS International Code for the Security of Ships and Port facilities
ITF International Transport Workers’ Federation
IWL Institute Warranty Limits
IWT Inland water transport
Kg, Kilogramme
KR Korean Register of Shipping
Kt, Knot
LASH Lighter aboard ship
LBP Length between perpendiculars
L/C (1) Lay/Can, (2) Letter of credit
LCL less than container load
LGC Large gas carrier
LIFO Liner in free out
LILO Liner in and liner out
LMAA London Maritime Arbitrators Association
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LOA Length over all
LOC Letter of credit
LOI Letter of indemnity
Lo-lo Lift on – lift off
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
LR Lloyd’ Register of Shipping
LS, Lump sum βλ. lump sum charter
LT (1) Long ton, (2) Liner terms
LW, Low water
LWONT, Low water ordinary neap tides
LWOST, Low water ordinary spring tides
M, Metre
MARPOL, The International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 as amended by the protocol of 1978
Max, Maximum
MDO, Marine diesel oil
MGO, Marine gas oil
MHWN, Mean high water neaps
MHWS, Mean high water springs
Min, Minimum
Min/max Minimum/maximum
MLWN, Mean low water neaps
MLWS, Mean low water springs
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOL, More or less, βλ. more or less in owner’s option
MOLCHOP More or less in charterers’ option
MOLOO More or less in owners’ option
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPP, Multi-purpose, βλ. multi-purpose cargo ship
M/R Mate’s receipt
MS, Motor ship
MT Metric ton
MTSA, Maritime Transportation Security Act
MV, Motor vessel
NAABSA Not always afloat but safe aground
NK Nippon Kyokai
NOR Notice of readiness
NRT Net register tonnage
NSF Norwegian sale form
NT Net tonnage
NYPE C/P New York Produce Exchange charter party
O/A, Overage
OBO Ore/bulk/oil carrier
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OHBC Open hatch bulk carrier
OO In owners’ option
O/O ore/oil carrier
OOG Out of gauge
OPA 90, Oil Pollution Act 1990
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSB, One safe berth
OSP, one safe port
O/T, Overtime
PAN CAN, Panama Canal
Pandi Club Protection and indemnity club
PCC Pure car carrier
PFT Per freight ton
P & I Club Protection and indemnity club
ppm, parts per million
ppt, prompt
PRS Polski Rejestr Statkow
PSC Port State Control
PSI Pre-shipment inspection
PSS Port Security Surcharge
Redely ή Redly Redelivery
RI ή RINA Registro Italiano
ROB Remaining on board
Ro-ro Roll-on roll-off
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
RT ή R/T Revenue ton
RTW, Round the world
S Summer, βλ. summer load line
SB Safe berth
SBM Single buoy mooring
SBT Segregated ballast tank
SD Single deck ship
SDR Special Drawing Right
Secs Seconds
SG Specific gravity
SGS Société Générale de Surveillannce SA
SHEX Sundays and holidays excluded
SHINC Sundays and holidays included
Sim sub Similar substitute
SOC Shippers’s own container
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
SP Safe port
SS Special survey
SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded
SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included
STC Said to contain
STW, Said to weigh
SWAD Salt water arrival draught
SWL Safe working load
T (1) Tonne, (2) Tropical
TBA, To be advised
TBC, To be confirmed
TBN, To be nominated
T/C Time charter
TDW Total deadweight
TEU Twenty foot equivalent unit
TF Tropical fresh
TIR Transport International Routier
TPC Tonnes per centimetre
TPH, Tonnes per hour
TPI Tons per inch
UBC Universal bulk carrier
ULCC Ultra large crude carrier
ULCS Ultra large container ship
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on the International Trade Law
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
USD, United States Dollars
USNH United States North of Hatteras
UU Unless used
VAT, Value added
V/C Voyage charter
VLCC Very large crude carrier
VLGC Very large gas carrier
Voy, Voyage
W, (1) Weight, βλ. weight cargo, (2) Winter
WIBON Whether in berth or not
WIFPON Whether in free pratique or not
WIPON Whether in port or not
W/M Weight or measure
WNA Winter North Atlantic
WOG Without guarantee
WP Weather permitting
WRIC Wire rod in coil
WTS Working time saved
WWD Weather working day
WWR When where ready
Admissions Office
Leoforos Souniou
38B, 19004,
+30 2990 49 828 (ATH)
The Law of the Sea
Dictionary of Nautical Terms - English - Greek
Homeric Dictionary of Nautical Terms
Non-profit organization, Greece.
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